La Tena and its label

la tena e la sua etichetta

The main vineyard of the company, La Tena gives us the grapes for our Valtellina Superiore docg, to which it owes its name.

What a beautiful label!

Many tell us, we like labels but… do you know that they have a very specific meaning for us?

Let’s start from the top, from the company logo: a bow.

Our aging cellar has been restored from an old family cellar and is built entirely in stone with the characteristic vaulted shape!

And here is the logo: our cellar!

La Tena has as its symbol a play of shapes between the company logo, below, and a stylized goblet that rests on top!

It is no coincidence that our tasting room is located exactly above the cellar !!

“No winner believes in chance” … and if Nietzsche said so …

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Heroic viticulture

Viticulture in Valtellina is defined by all as “heroic”, above all because of the efforts, risks and work that the steeply sloping vineyards require.

La Tena and its label

The main vineyard of the company, La Tena gives us the grapes for our Valtellina Superiore docg, to which it owes its name.


Not just a tasting

We call it experience because with us you live a real experience with the producer and not just a simple wine tasting!